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Modern Day Slavery
January 30, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Who should attend
All staff
2 hours
Overview of the course
Croydon has the highest rate of slavery in London, so what can you, as a professional, do differently to help combat this crime? What difference could it make if all the teams in Croydon professional network were aware and informed about slavery and worked together to prevent it?
Croydon has trained seven representatives of the Adult Safeguarding Board to deliver bite-size awareness sessions to staff teams in Croydon.
Course Objectives
The two hour session provides an overview of human trafficking, spotting signs, multi-agency responses and responses in Croydon and joint working.
At the end of the session participants will be able to:
- Define human trafficking and modern-day slaveryRecognise different forms of exploitation experienced by trafficked people and people in modern-day slavery
- List common indicators of trafficking and modern slavery and how they might present
- Describe common health concerns experienced by trafficked people
- Discuss barriers to disclosure, including communication issues and difficulties in accessing servicesRecognise risks and safeguarding needs associated with trafficking and modern-day slaveryAssess how to take safe, supportive and appropriate action
In-house staff
Further dates:
- 25th February 2020
- 24th March 2020