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scie scieline ebulletin

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)  is an independent charity working with adults, families and children’s social care and social work services across the UK. They also work closely with related services such as health care and housing. SCIE gathers and analyses knowledge about what works and translates that knowledge into practical resources, learning materials and services including training and consultancy.

care quality commission

Care Quality Commission [CQC] are the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England; they make sure that care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes, and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets national standards of quality and safety.

To raise a concern about abuse or neglect, please use the online form.


LondonADASS Improvement Programme work withi adult services and other bodies committed to improving the health and wellbeing of Londoners, encouraging collaboration thorugh networks and focused projects.  Their aim is to improve adult social care across London and to identify ways of doing this as cost-effectively as possible.

croydon age uk

Age UK Croydon  works in partnership with the national Age UK charity, which campaigns vigorously at Government level on behalf of all older people.

MIND in croydon

Mind in Croydon is working to promote good mental health.  It seeks to empower people to lead a full life as part of their local community.  The website is a Mental Health resource for residents of the London Borough of Croydon.


Croydon Mencap represents the interests of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers within the London Borough of Croydon.