Performance & Quality Assurance Sub Group
Performance and Quality Assurance Sub Group
The Sub group is chaired by Nick Sherlock and Vice Chair Estelene Klaasen, the group meets quarterly. It supports the work of the CSAB by overseeing, supporting and monitoring the delivery of high quality multi-agency arrangements in Croydon to safeguard adults at risk of abuse. It is responsible for maintaining and updating the Performance Dashboard which provides robust performance indicators that can be used to review, evaluate and develop the performance and quality of services.
Terms of Reference can be found here.
Intelligence Sharing Sub Group reports into the Performance and Quailty Assurance Sub Group. This group meets monthly and supports the CSAB with regards to the prevention of safeguarding [Care Act 2014 and the London Multi Agence Adults Safeguarding Policy and Procedures] by managing of the provider market through frequent market oversight. To allow colleagues from all aspects of health and social care to share good practice and concerns. It helps to avoid silo working, set actions and provide support and guidance to providers.
To raise a concern about abuse or neglect, please use the online form.